
Friday, February 20, 2015

The Perfect guy or the Perfect Disaster

The Perfect guy or the Perfect Disaster

 By Tess M.
Hey girls, Tess here. So many of you are probably wondering, how do you find the right guy? Is he the one for me? Am I old enough to be dating? Well, in this article I will be focusing on the topic of dating and answers to all your questions.

How do I find the right guy?

First of all, if you aren't doing so now, you should be praying to god for guidance to bring the right person in your life. Second, of all if you are currently in a relationship and you have doubts it's perfectly normal but some things you can do is: #1 look for signs that this guy loves God and wants to serve him, look for the way he treats his mom, and focus on, am I falling for this guy? Is there a mental emotional and physical attraction? Nothing is certain in life, but there are key barriers and and signs.

How old should I be to start dating?

This question doesn't have a specific answer because it's different for every girl. Personally and this is just my own opinion the purpose of dating is to get married so I think if you're mature enough to handle being married and committed then you are ready for dating. However, this isn't always the case you also need to consider that even if you're ready to date keep in mind you're waiting for your future husband. If you find the person you're going to marry at 17 then that's okay because love works in mysterious ways and hits you when you least expect it. I always say don't go out and search for love because love will find you.

Any other tips?

Well I pretty much covered everything but the main thing is that god knows your needs and is working inside of you before you are ready to love someone you need to love yourself. Which you might need time to I grow as a person and as a servant of God. If you aren't serving him and living him he won't bless you. Lastly, just make sure that the guy loves God and wants to serve god because that is so important and I can't stress it enough. I also wanted to say don't have these expectations that are near impossible because love isn't a fairytale it's two people working together and surviving the bumps in the road it's loving each other through thick and thin. Love isn't a fairytale, and not might be what you want, but it will be what you need.
Guard your heart and be careful who you hand it over to.

And remember every girl is special and unique and deserves to be loved. :)

Xoxo, Tess


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