
Friday, May 15, 2015

All About...Physical Beauty

All About...Physical Beauty

By Maryann Y.
     So, physical beauty; that has really haunted lots of girls. 
It is the worlds message.
"No one loves you unless you're beautiful."
"You have to be pretty to fit in."
"You are not beautiful. Lose 20+ pounds, then you'll be gorgeous."
"No one likes girls that have noses like that."
"No one likes your build. Who are you, Goliath? You are too broad."

     That's the worlds message. We get it everywhere. We get it day in and day out. We believe it. We higher weight trainers and start exercise programs. We spend more time in front of the mirror then in front of our Bibles. We wear heavy makeup. We change friends when we think we will be associated with them.
   The truth is, if we spent more time with our Bibles, we would hear God's message. Pastor Rick Warren of Saddleback Church said, " You can't spend 3 hours watching TV and 3 minutes reading your Bible and expect to  grow."
We need to get away from the worlds message of beauty and look at God's.
"Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you." Jeremiah 1:5a
"Behold, you are beautiful, my love, behold, you are beautiful!" Song of Solomon 4:1a
"Know that the Lord, He is God! That it is He who made us, and we are His; we are His people, and the sheep of His pasture." Psalm 100:2
"For He is our God,and ​we are ​the people of His pasture,and the sheep of His hand."Psalm 95:7
Every part of us was planned by God. The nose, the hair, the eyes, the arms, the legs, the eyebrows, the feet, the hands, the body, EVERYTHING. 
     I used to be very self-conscious about my legs, nose and feet. I thought my feet were huge ( I wear a size larger than my mom), I thought my legs were to bulky and overweight, I thought my nose was to tilted up and looked saucy, the list went on and on.
And then I met Shiloh. She is amazing. She is almost my exact twin except she's a little taller and has blond hair. I don't know how we got around to it, but we started talking about noses, and I said, "Yeah, like my nose. I don't like it. It's SOOO slanted."  Shiloh smiled and said, "Don't worry, mine too. I learned to roll with it."
 That stopped me. I had expected her to start ranting on about how she just hated her nose. But she didn't. 

God planned your nose. He planned your body. He knew, before the beginning of all time, exactly what you were going to look like. Every atom of you.
  Sister, it may be a fallen world, but think of the body you will have in heaven. You will have a  heavenly body. A perfect body. And even though it is a fallen world,  God had a plan for you. He planned you to look the way you look. He planned you to have the earthly body that you have. It may be a broken body, but you have a soul. And you have a relationship with a Heavenly Father that has healed your broken body.

~My frame was not hidden from you,
      when I was being made in secret,
intricately woven in the depths of the earth.~
    -Psalm 139:15


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