Turning off the negative thoughts
By Tricia F.
I am a teen girl and all teen girls deal with just about the same thing. Our
looks. We all tend to view ourselves as scales, and we measure ourselves
with other girls. Like me, I did a lot. We base our worth on what people say
is beautiful about us, we place our trust in words. When really the true
value of our importance lies on what God thinks about us. And what He
thinks is way better than what others think.
I used to believe that I was ugly. It's normal for teen girls. People say things
about us, and it makes us feel bad about ourselves. If we put our value in
what others think about us, we will never be satisfied. We will bounce up
and down emotionally thinking good and bad things.
The thing that turned those thoughts off for me, was getting around good
Christian friends that helped me by encouraging me. Also, I found out that
God put the beauty in me, and He's the one what made me beautiful in my
own way.
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