
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Boys: Saying No, By Haley B.


Saying No

By Haley B.

Saying no can be extremely hard. I've had to do it many times since I was practically born but more specifically this summer. It has been very hard for me to say no to guys this summer. VERY hard. They all wanted a relationship but wanted to base it on sex instead of really loving me and loving The Lord.

I have found out the best way of saying no is to just be very blunt about it. Saying no means no and for someone to understand that you mean what you say, you must have a firm tone. Sometimes though being blunt doesn't always work.

If it is really a situation in which you do not feel comfortable in and the guy is not listening to you, I would always use some sort of physical force. Don't be afraid to push him off of you or nudge him to stop. I did it many times this summer when guys wouldn't listen to me when I said no. The one thing you must do is be firm with them and let guys know where you stand. If you don't, you will get caught up in the trap that isn't good for anyone.

I wish I knew all the secrets to boys and I would tell every single one of you them so that way you could be prepared for anything... but I don't. I even struggle with figuring out guys at 19 years old. My biggest suggestion though, like I said, be firm, let them know where you stand, and just say no. Being blunt is the best and most honest route to take. If it continues, there's always the option of walking away or using a nudge to let him know to stop. Do not let him fool you into thinking that it's okay because it's not. Some Scripture that I've always held dear to my heart is 1 Corinthians 6:19-20. It says, "Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies."

Every time I even think of someone asking me to do something I'm not supposed to do, this Scripture comes into my mind. Yes, I know it has almost nothing to do with the specific topic of saying no but it does in a sense. We are temples of the Holy Spirit and we are supposed to honor God with our bodies. That, in an indirect sense, states that we need to say no to the things we should say no to.

In Galatians 3:27, it mentions us putting on Christ. We have accepted Him into our hearts and we are Him and He is us. By saying no, it brings God glory and it is Christ within us that gives us the strength to say no. We cannot do it on our own.

If you have time before the situation occurs, pray about it. Think about if it would REALLY honor God and if not, say no! Say no bluntly and as firm as you can. You will be grateful about it in the long run!


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